Three months of being a father

It's been three months since my son was born. Time has passed slowly. So much has happened. So much has changed. He's gone from a limp monkey-looking sack to a wiggling, smiling, grabbing little human.

Our lives have also changed. We went from sleepless nights and taking care of him 24/7 to getting back into work and exercise and going to lots of different places--parks, restaurants, stores, hikes--with him. His presence has encouraged us to work less overall and enjoy life (with him) more.

For example, I've decided to institute a 4-day work week (I work for myself). Now I never want to go back to a 5-day work week. We already went on a short vacation to the woods with him. Before the end of the year, we want try a farther domestic trip and a much farther international trip to one of our favorite places in the world.

I've heard some parents question traveling with kids so young. Their reason: the kid won't remember it. But it's not just the kid's memories that are important. It's also the parent's memories with the kid. And why not start saving precious memories into the Family Memory Bank as early as possible. Positive memories that you look fondly upon pay the greatest dividends. We love traveling anyways, and we want him to love traveling too.

Also: I love holding him. He's so cute and precious. Hugging him will never get old. And what better way to spend my time than to hug and hold him on a long-haul plane ride or in a foreign land.

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